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bạn chọn veneta
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bạn chọn veneta
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Về sự update liên tục thời trang
Here on the li element we have a directive with name selectable. In the selectable we have two @Input()’s, f with name first and s with name second. We have applied these two on the li properties with name [first] and [second]. And our directive will find these properties on that li element, which are set for him with @Input() decorator. So selectable, [first] and [second] will be bound to every directive on li, which has property with these na
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bạn chọn veneta
Về kĩ thuật may đo
Về đa dạng nguồn vải
Về sự update liên tục thời trang
Lý do
bạn chọn veneta
Về kĩ thuật may đo
Về đa dạng nguồn vải
Về sự update liên tục thời trang
Here on the li element we have a directive with name selectable. In the selectable we have two @Input()’s, f with name first and s with name second. We have applied these two on the li properties with name [first] and [second]. And our directive will find these properties on that li element, which are set for him with @Input() decorator. So selectable, [first] and [second] will be bound to every directive on li, which has property with these na
Lý do
bạn chọn veneta
Về kĩ thuật may đo
Về đa dạng nguồn vải
Về sự update liên tục thời trang
Lý do
bạn chọn veneta
Về kĩ thuật may đo
Về đa dạng nguồn vải
Về sự update liên tục thời trang
Update liên tục về thời trang
Here on the li element we have a directive with name selectable. In the selectable we have two @Input()’s, f with name first and s with name second. We have applied these two on the li properties with name [first] and [second]. And our directive will find these properties on that li element, which are set for him with @Input() decorator. So selectable, [first] and [second] will be bound to every directive on li, which has property with these na
”I like beautiful things that are well made. I even believe aesthetics are equivalent to ethics. Something that is beautiful is ethical, and unethical things aren’t beautiful.” – Gianni Agnelli”